Friday, April 2, 2010

Happy Easter!

74,452: The pounds of food we collected from Stamp Out Hunger last year.

It seems like most of the world got to stay home from work for Good Friday, but Kaitlyn and I are still here at Shared Harvest. It reminds me of when we had 11 inches of snow and my car was the only one on the road.

I know I haven't written in a while, but that's because not much has been going on. I had a very crowded training in Dayton last week. If one more person asks if they just completed a taxes or benefits training I am going to scream. We had our regional VISTA meeting with Martha on Wednesday, which is always fun. It's great to see how the other VISTAs are doing. Plus, Martha always brings in a ton of food.

And I had my first Stamp Out Hunger meeting with Tina and Bob, two fellow Shared Harvest employees. We're going to need to recruit a lot of volunteers in Butler County, so if you want to help out with a good cause, please let me know! We need some strong people to help us transport thousands of pounds of food from one truck to another.

I'm really glad it's the weekend. I can't decide if this week went by really fast or if it dragged. Everything is starting to blur together.

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