Monday, May 3, 2010


74,452: The pounds of food collected for Shared Harvest from Stamp Out Hunger in 2009

Now that tax season is over, VISTA community trainers like Kaitlyn and I are going through what feels like an extended lack of activity. It's odd not having to pick up the phone every ten minutes to schedule tax clients, and quite nice to have most of our weekends free again. And now that we have so much extra time on our hands, we're focusing our energy on recruiting more Benefit Bank sites.

Today we'll be going to Preble County with a list of several potential sites we've been compiling since the start of our service. We sent out a letter to all of these sites a little over a week ago, letting them know what the Benefit Bank is and that we are going to be in their area today. Hopefully we'll be able to sit down with a few people and convince them to get started on becoming a site.

In other news, this Saturday is Stamp Out Hunger! I've got the post office in Fairfield covered when it comes to volunteers, and I have seven people willing to help out in Middletown (though that has been a little iffy) but we're having some trouble finding enough people in West Chester. So if you're willing to donate your time to a good cause, PLEASE let me know and I'll be happy to sign you up to go to your local post office this Saturday to help us unload, organize, and reload boxes of food to go to the Shared Harvest Foodbank. It's for a terrific cause, and we can use all the help we can get! Go here for more information!

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