That's right, I've returned! And although I had to use up a small chunk of comp and personal time to enjoy such a glorious week and a half of vacation, it was all incredibly worth it. Forgive my lack of blog postings in December. I hope everyone had a good holiday.
So now I'm getting back in the swing of things. The last two days have been spent dropping off and picking up barrels, and Kaitlyn and I are unofficially DONE with the holiday food drive! This thought brought about a plethora of emotions. We were getting a little tired (physically and mentally) of lifting heavy boxes, dragging skids to the truck and searching for businesses in the GPS. On the other hand, we are going to miss Gus the Bus. See us saying goodbye to him below (in our fancy new SHARECorps jackets):
And yes, tax season is here. These next three months or so will be a time for tax trainings, tax clinics, and tax questions. Starting at the end of January, I am going to be working almost every single weekend (i.e. Saturdays AND Sundays) at various OBB sites in Southwest Ohio. The good news: Comp time. The bad news: No free time.
But that's okay. I'd rather be busy than bored.
In other news, after two months of crutches, air casts, wrapping my ankle in gauze, X-rays and HOURS of physical therapy, my ankle has gone from severely painful to merely tender and stiff. I'm done with therapy, I am no longer on crutches, in an air cast, or in gauze. I still do some stretches and such at home, but I think I see the end of the proverbial road to recovery.
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