Before I begin, here is a picture of some ENORMOUS icicles Kaitlyn and I saw when we were driving around Darke County last week. Aren't they insane?
I just wanted to share that. Kaitlyn thinks I have a slight obsession with icicles.
Shared Harvest Foodbank has been trying to kick off a tax clinic for the past couple of years, but always ran into a few speedbumps. The clinic was called off one year because of a snowstorm, and another year no one even showed up. But things were a lot different this year. Third time's definitely a charm.
Seven counselors, including Kaitlyn and me, came to work bright and early Saturday morning ready to do people's taxes. Kaitlyn and I had spent the last couple of weeks hanging tax flyers, taking phone calls, and referring people to the clinic. We encouraged people to make appointments with us, but we also let it be known that we would accept walk-in clients. We were pretty determined to make this year's tax clinic a success.
And it was! We had six people come in who had made an appointment with us. I so wish I had a picture of Kaitlyn's face when we found out that one of the people who came in had heard about us through a flyer we had hung at the laundromat. It was pure joy.
Anyway, the clinic went really well. We didn't have any technical difficulties, the counselors were all comfortable with the software and hardly had any problems. And we didn't have any walk-in clients come in, but we're still extremely pleased with how everything turned out.
I have to help out at another tax clinic next Saturday, and the Saturday after that I have a training to do in Darke County, so I'm going to be busy for a while. I'm excited for my next 2-day weekend, whenever that may be.
IN OTHER NEWS: My Dad's birthday was on Valentine's Day. Happy birthday, Dad!
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