Monday, August 2, 2010


14: The number of potential OBB sites Krupa and I visited.

Krupa and I ventured to Middletown Thursday for some Butler County site recruitment action. It went a lot better than our Greene County adventures, for which we could not find half of potential sites we had in mind. We went through our spreadsheets this time and Googled each place to make sure we had the correct address.

It did pay off, for the most part! We still couldn't find one or two sites, so maybe those places are gone for good or haven't gotten around to updating their websites yet. Anyway, we actually got to sit down with several people this time around, and it felt great. Our favorite experience by far was Lifeskills, a place that helps young adults get their high school diplomas.

The people we met with were incredibly friendly and welcoming. Their enthusiasm was contagious. We sat down with the principal as well as the family advocate, who is like a guidance counselor at Lifeskills. The family advocate actually had a stack of benefit applications with her, and said she already worked with the students there to help get them on food assistance. She was really excited about the OBB, because it is going to make that process so much easier!

Is this a perfect match or what? I'm really glad we were able to talk with them. They're going to be a great fit with the OBB, and I'm sure they'll actually use it. We were even able to show them the training site and the Quick Check program, and they just got more excited about it the more we talked. Success!

1 comment:

sarah said...

Hi it's Sarah in Toledo. It's a slow day in VISTAland and I decided to catch up on reading all the blogs I try and follow! I just had to comment and say I totally just talked to LifeSkills Center in Toledo at an event last week and we are going to do a presentation for them next week! I totally agree that they would be awesome. Fingers crossed for both sites :)