Thursday, September 17, 2009

First training

5: The number of people who came to my very first training.
11: The number of people who will be at my second training tomorrow!

Yesterday was my first training! I have to admit, I was realllly nervous the night before. There is so much information to learn. I felt like I had all the information I needed, but none of it was organized. I therefore spent most of Tuesday preparing what I was going to say.

There were six people who were supposed to be in my class, but only five people showed up, which I've heard is not very unusual. The training goes from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and in that time I explain to everyone what the benefit bank is, we practice the Quick Check program a couple of times, we go through a booklet of all of the different types of benefits the OBB offers, and we practice using the benefit bank program. Everyone has an additional booklet that introduces Alice Nelson, a woman living with her grandson who wants to apply for some benefit programs. All of her information is listed in the book, and the trainees can go through the program step by step so they have a feel for it.

There were a couple of people who weren't quite as computer literate as I would have liked, but everyone made it through the training. Afterward, Meredith gave me some great tips that I'm going to be sure to use tomorrow for training #2. I have already printed off my own schedule, like a little mini-script for myself, so I know exactly where I am and what I still need to cover at all times. I feel better with a cheat sheet.

P.S. I've added pictures to previous blog posts "Quick Checking" and "Painting by Numbers"! Check them out!

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