Monday, July 5, 2010

Time, Time, Time

5.5: The hours of sleep I got last night (on account of the fireworks). (Happy 4th, by the way).

I only have seven more weeks as an Americorps VISTA, as well as three days of sick time, eight days of personal time and a little more than six days of comp time. I'm taking seven glorious days of vacation next week (woohoo!) and I have trips coming up for the next several weekends to visit various friends around Ohio.

I'm glad Krupa is here so my last couple of months at Shared Harvest aren't lonely. I think she'll make a great VISTA! Last Thursday we went to an OBB event in Troy and collected several cards from interested people wanting to become sites. Which means we'll be making a lot of phone calls in the next couple of days. We're also planning to go out to Greene County later this week to do site recruitment, and I'm sure that will spark some interesting blog posts!

Speaking of blog posts, Krupa started her very own blog already! Check it out here!

Also speaking of blogs, I briefly considered changing the background of my site, but seeing as I am only going to be posting (to this one) for another seven weeks, it seemed kind of silly.

Krupa has her first training this week, and she's pretty nervous about it (even though I know she is going to rock). We spent most of this morning going over the benefits guide. It's a funny feeling to watch someone go through the same anxieties and experiences I went through about a year ago. It's an odd way to wrap up my own VISTA year.

I'm been doing a lot of reflecting lately. It's making me all sentimental.

1 comment:

Krupa said...

Alex, you have been great! I know I will have to practice, but I feel much less anxious about training thanks to you!
I'm excited for our road trip to Greene county!