Friday, October 30, 2009


3: The number of days in my weekend (yay!)

Happy Halloween!

I'm at Miami Hamilton right now for my first tax training. All the counselors-to-be are working on their second scenario. I'm feeling pretty good. It's going really well. I found a great way to avoid questions I don't have answers to. I let everyone know that no one expects them to be tax experts and that there are reference pages in the backs of their books. I also gave everyone a slip of paper in their folders that had the link to the "Link and Learn" that we had to complete before going to tax training in Columbus. I think having all of those extra places to go for help eased everyone's minds. So going through the Tax and FAFSA guide was pretty smooth.

I'm so glad it's almost the weekend, and that I took Monday off. I so need to sleep in.

I did promise to blog about it if something interesting happened during my training in Troy Wednesday, so here it is:

I don't know my way around Troy at all, so when it was time for lunch I searched for "restaurants" in my GPS and guess what popped up?


I used to go to this place all the time when I was a kid, until they closed all of them in the Cincinnati area. For those who have never had the pleasure of dining at Friendly's, they have your typical burgers and chicken fingers, and the most incredible Reeses Cup peanut butter sundaes in the world.

I hadn't been to a Friendly's since I visited my brother in Albany, New York last summer. So I sped on over and got chicken tenders and my sundae. Of course the fingers filled me up too much, and I wasn't even able to finish the ice cream. They give you a lot. But it was so worth it.

Next time I have a training in Troy, I may just get the sundae. And I don't care if you judge me.

To find a Friendly's near you, click here!

1 comment:

Kaitlyn Baker Wessels said...

I am so jealous. Lucky for you, I see that you are doing another training in Troy in November. And that's the thing that makes the long drive worthwhile!