Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Long drives and pretty roads

12: The number of hours I worked yesterday.

Long. That's the only word I can come up with for my road trip to Portsmouth yesterday.

I left my house at 6 a.m., equipped with two tote bags stuffed with benefit and software guides, my laptop, and two bottles of water. I set the address in Rita, my trusty GPS, and set off.

I think I would have enjoyed the drive more if the sun were up. Once it did rise, the scenery was absolutely gorgeous. It's a great time for a drive down a country road--the pretty leaves will be gone in a matter of weeks. Take the time to enjoy Autumn!

Anyway, it took almost two and a half hours to get to the training site, and I had plenty of time to set up. We only had two people missing, and they had called in ahead of time to say they couldn't make it.

The five people who were there were great. All very respectful and excited about the program. We went through the training without a hitch. (Well, there are always a few hiccups. I don't know why, but whenever people hear the phrase "WRITE DOWN YOUR PASSWORD--YOU WILL NEED IT LATER!" they go temporarily deaf. One of life's greatest mysteries).

After the training I put my home address into Rita, who turned out to be not so trusty in Portsmouth. She kept telling me to turn onto streets that were not actually there. Then she made me drive around in a circle a few times. I was getting really frustrated, so I eventually just found a highway and started driving. Unfortunately, this meant taking the long way home. Rita finally got her act together and I had to take windy, curvy, back roads for like an hour and a half before I found 32. The good news: Another pretty drive. I might have stopped the car for pictures if it weren't raining. The bad news: I just wanted to go home and put my jammies on. But I got home at about 6:00 and all was well.

Right now I'm at a training in Troy. It's going well so far, but if anything exciting happens you know I'll update.

Tomorrow is my day off, and by that I mean I don't have a training to do and will just go to Shared Harvest. I have my first tax training on Friday, then it will be the glorious weekend. I have already told Meredith that I need to use some of my growing comp time on Monday. It is high time for a vacay.

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